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08/04/06 12:28 AM

#68 RE: bartermania #67

Actually, it seems to make more sense if they are leveraging/fractionating the shares issued...although the DTCC/Fed. makes the rules and seems to also be above their own laws...and they are accountable to no one but themselves. So, it's hard to really know what's going on inside the system. That's the way these corrupt and thieving insiders want it. And that's why this must be changed.
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08/04/06 2:20 AM

#69 RE: bartermania #67


The following is in my opinion:

Today I sent a complaint (see lower portion of this post) to the
SEC and a copy of my complaint to the other people & authorities

If you also feel that Unico is being abused by naked short
selling, please contact the people & authorities below and ask
them to help put a definite stop to it. You're welcome to copy
my complaint and send it to them. The more complaints - the better.

Tell the SEC about your complaint
Manipulation of security price or volume

Inform New York State Attorney General Mr. Eliot Spitzer about
your complaint to the SEC, his staff can follow up if they want to.

Inform the Arizona Secretary of State Jan Brewer about your
complaint to the SEC, her staff can follow up if they want to.

Inform the Utah Governor Mr. Jon Huntsman, Jr about your
complaint to the SEC, his staff can follow up if they want to.

File complaint to the Federal Trade Commission, they can look into it.$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

Tell the President / the White House about your complaint to the
SEC, his staff can follow up if they want to.
Email address

Tell Vice President Richard Cheney about your complaint to the
SEC, his staff can follow up if they want to.
Email address

Here is my complaint:
Dear Sirs,

I believe that the following three companies are
manipulating the price of Unico Inc's shares (symbol

Archipelago Trading Services, Inc. "ARCA"
Knight Equity Markets, L.P. "NITE"
UBS Securities LLC "UBSS"

It seems to me as if they are trying to bring the
price down thru trading small amounts of shares
between eachother.

There are also lots of people on different bulletin
boards such as writing lies about the
company Unico, Inc. calling the company a scam etc.
They try to scare away people from Unico, Inc. and
they try to have current shareholders to sell their
shares in Unico, Inc. all to bring the price of
Unico's shares down.

I also believe that Archipelago Trading Services,
Inc., Knight Equity Markets, L.P. and UBS Securities
LLC have naked short sold very large amounts of shares
in Unico, Inc. , possibly billions of shares during a
long period of time , thus they are now trying to
bring the UNCN share price down by price manipulation
as well as having hired people to spread lies and bash
Unico, Inc. on public electronic Internet bulletin

I'd like to ask for an investigation into this

Thanks in advance,


Posted by: Matt55
In reply to: None
Date:8/4/2006 1:35:26 AM
Post #of 1380

Ps. It will be interesting to see -
if any response ? -
and he has written and sent above complains to them all -
and want all Longs to do the same -