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08/06/16 11:19 AM

#252712 RE: BOREALIS #252695

Yes yes, People involved with REAL life business have involvement with lawsuits, I get that.

Feel free to provide a list of real estate billionaires who haven't been involved with hundreds or thousands of suits

Now it would be expected that people like this would not be involved in numerous lawsuits, because they have no REAL experience. Just academic political experience.
But before much of the input reaches the Democratic candidate, it is filtered through a pair of staffers known inside the campaign as the “Economikes.”

Here is the back ground of her two main "Economikes"

Both are recent graduates of Yale Law School. Prior to joining the campaign, Schmidt, 30, worked at the U.S. Treasury Department and the Yale Investments Office, helping manage the university’s endowment.

Shapiro, 29, worked at the White House for the National Economic Council. Earlier this year, he married the daughter of New York Senator Chuck Schumer.

Does it raise any concern that Hillary's top advisers have zero experience of actually creating business (J-O-B-S) in a real world scenario?