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08/03/16 11:51 AM

#17592 RE: EdF #17591

Thanks for posting EdF.

The facts are always welcome and Dan seems to have made a grave miscalculation.

Hopefully justice prevails for any and all shareholders.



08/03/16 5:50 PM

#17593 RE: EdF #17591

Ed, Thank you for all your research/information. We all appreciate it! I am still hoping something happens with my SIOR stock!
Thanks again,


12/09/16 11:43 PM

#17611 RE: EdF #17591

Of course Gayla's lawsuit went nowhere, 'twas a glimmer of hope.

I would love to think that since the POTUS Elect appears to be oil/gas USA guy, as well as what I think are many other fine attributes but that's just me, Dan might stumble into something profitable which does not actually sound likely but people change, regulations might allow his nonsense to actually make some money.

Any how, I am super pleased with our new POTUS elect, guess that does not say much really but I can dream.

Anyone have any fake news, real news, hearsay?