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08/03/16 10:37 AM

#252433 RE: fastlizzy #252432

and now the seemingly impossible happened... trumps major minion, Chris Christie, has turned on him over his attack on the Khan family.

Trump is a uniter, all right. He is uniting both parties against him, maybe this is what it will take to break some of the hyper-polarization of politics, if even a little. And think what you will about hillary, she has the intellectual capacity to understand and adapt.

Looks like the Trumpocalypse, while long overdue, may be underway.


08/03/16 6:42 PM

#252517 RE: fastlizzy #252432

Can panicked Republicans rid themselves of Trump? Here are 7 options.

Spoiler alert: None of those options are good.

Updated by Dara Lind on August 3, 2016, 1:50 p.m. ET @DLind

fastlizzy, i think you are camping in option 2 .. :)

There is little evidence his base has lost faith in him. Trump loves the attention and the publicity
and he will always have plenty of it while in. The only way i could envision him dropping out would be if he
was to be .. .. bought
out, most unlikely on the probability scale as conservative billionaires would have done it before now.

If Trump dropped out then the conjecture would swing to was it voluntary, or was he pushed. A boring left-over.

Trump enjoys being at the wheel. i reckon he'll stick. LOL, but who knows .. hey .. anything could
happen .. like in Monmouthshire ..

Better for our side if he sticks, eh.

See also:

A Trump Victory Is a Scary Thought. A Disputed Loss Might Be Scarier.


09/10/16 6:24 AM

#254979 RE: fastlizzy #252432

Mark Cuban: Donald Trump Will Crumble Under Tough Questions | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Cuban says Trump is an expert at "headline porn", and suggests Hillary should just smile or giggle or... when he says something stupid .. Cuban would make a good moderator ..