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07/30/16 3:34 PM

#30153 RE: mr_sano #30152

Looks like all of the questions that have been asked will have to be answered. Guess the AOT isn't proven! Good job Mr. Sano. I read thru all of the Letters from the SEC and pretty much not just fluffy PR anymore but bald faced lies and now the world knows.


07/30/16 4:16 PM

#30154 RE: mr_sano #30152

I guess the SEC does care, after all.


07/30/16 6:08 PM

#30156 RE: mr_sano #30152

Wondering why you didn't give us
QSEP's response to the SEC's questions
sano - too positive for your taste?

As an investor I am more than happy with QSEP's


07/30/16 8:32 PM

#30164 RE: mr_sano #30152

As EXPECTED, QS Energy has a working & PROVEN AOT. The sec has no issues with the PROVEN AOT as per the EVIDENCE & links below. The matter is now closed. QS can use the words "demonstrates" or "shows" instead of "proven". It's legal jargon. The DRA & DILUENT company's are very concerned what the PROVEN AOT will do to their industry & market share. Yes, the PROVEN AOT is a threat to the DRA & DILUENT companies. Also, the sec letter was originally dated December 2015 & we know the PROVEN AOT successfully tested on Kinder Morgan's CONDENSATE pipeline in May 2016 as per the June 2016 PR below.

GREAT responses by QS Energy

And the sec has now closed the case after seeing all the EVIDENCE about the PROVEN AOT.

And now after all the minor issues about the wording used has been sorted out, IT'S CONFIRMED that KINDER MORGAN want the PROVEN AOT as per the EVIDENCE & RECENT PR below


08/02/16 1:29 PM

#30246 RE: mr_sano #30152

please revise your disclosure to
remove the claim that the technology has been “proven.”

Excellent find!

Hah hah! Wow.. Funny.. I thought after a certain phonecall the SEC wasn't looking at this company! And I guess the SEC agrees with the FACTS that it ISN'T proven.
I find it amazing that even when the SEC sees this they don't stop these con artists from raising more funds. It's obvious they use the same terminology when searching new fund sources.

Similarly, please revise to eliminate the suggestion at page 6 that you have “proven” your “ability to build, deliver and operate [your] AOT equipment on a high-volume commercial pipeline” in light of the details you supplied regarding the problems your equipment has encountered and the lack of any substantial commercial usage. As you state at page 10, you “have not proven the commercial viability of this product.”

Hah hah.. SO I guess this is what "PROVEN" means lol? So now STWA has legal fees on top of Beggars bloated salary to deal with.. Tick-tock..


The AOT and Joule Heat technologies are being actively developed and marketed by the Company.

When they stated that the Joule was suspended in a filing. And the first patents are for the ZEFs. Is the Elektra just a zefs with magnets under a different name? lol!


KMCC continues to work cooperatively with QS Energy to resolve known issues in operating the AOT with condensate fuel. Subject to final acceptance of a modified AOT device, KMCC has agreed to lease the AOT equipment at a cost of $20,000 per month, with an option to purchase the equipment. See QS Energy’s Form 8-K filed July 21, 2014.

So as predicted (as usual) the testing has not even started and all the SCADA this and that IS REQUIRED FOR TESTING and was thrown out as a red herring by Beggar to keep them hang'in on..

as in when will Bigger start delivering these contracts now we have a commercial device.

Wow.. complete and utter denial.. no wonder this company is still around.

Official correspondence from the the SEC is anything but frivolous especially given the fact that Qsep has agreed to modify its disclosures based on what the SEC laid out. Specifically to exclude "proven" or to make claims that their Aot has demonstrated itself to be of any benefit to a key player in the space

Yes.. the takeaway is basically STWA has agreed the previous statements and purposefully placed insinuations were false.

Snoops post answers your questions.

Ya.. especially when they are all proven to be false time and time again. Wonder how the guy in that SEC call got it sooo wrong?

Exactly there is not a single deal that has arisen as a result of all these supposed key players interests.

And they can make up who they want for all these "interested" parties. Heck, they even mention China when the 'party' they were dealing with to get them there was a fake company... "TDC" wasn't it? Where is that company? Funny how no filings with CHina eh? I will bet that when KMI fails, STWA will look at it as since the contract never started, the failure is not enough to trigger a filing. If it never starts, KMI never has to provide a termination to be filed. Shareholders as always will just never know.

We believe the use of the word “proven,” in the context of the disclosures and discussion above, does not suggest that the AOT technology is, at this time, commercially viable. Nonetheless, to address the staff’s concerns, we will revise future filings by removing the word “proven” and replacing it with the word “demonstrates” or “shows.” Please advise.

This line really wraps it up in a nutshell.. Basically Beggar is admitting that instead of being honest, he used the word "proven" based on his lose interpretation of it (knowing full well how it would be taken).. laughable. And it's still today being equated with commercially viable. amazing

Who cares about Biggers wealth.

Because the same thing was used to apologize/explain away Kytes raiding of the company.. that he didn't need the cash.. that his purchase of a $2.5 million dollar lot and plans on the coast as well as the purchase of 4 cars and a Ducati RIGHT AFTER leaving STWA was just him spending his families cash and not what he had liquidated since walking away from the company RIGHT BEFORE TCPL testing was to start.

As far the company impressing anyone...well that's a meaningless suggestion.

No point arguing.. everything posted has been disproven in one fell swoop. Testing hasn't even started, not commercially viable.. so all the hope of this thing staying afloat much longer are pretty well down the drain.

Classic! The US market is obviously dead now, so they float the move to international opportunities.

YES! notice the mention of China again lol! So lets see.. what were the excuses back then.. CHina would steal it.. China was a gong show.. TCPL TOLD STWA to end the testing there and come back to the US.. blah blah blah.. And AGAIN, all of these excuses posed as "facts" are proven to be lies...
So question is.. why back at China now? WHat happened over the last few years? It's laughable.. really is.
Wasn't any mention of Norront and the Norwegian government was there? LOL! PROVEN!

But they weren't above board. The SEC told them their reports made conclusions unsupported by fact.

Exactly.. and there is only one reason why a company would not simply put out actual facts if they were good enough.