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07/30/16 3:00 PM

#34 RE: Homebrew #33

Problem becomes the legal ethics in question. She had privileged conversations - hired or not - highly unethical behavior and borderline nuts - mailing stuff all over? Terrorizing their vendors and clients? What the heck!


07/30/16 8:30 PM

#35 RE: Homebrew #33

Thanks for the info - I'll check that out but she filed an S-1 for FPVD in March 2016 just a few months ago - her name is on the filings with the SEC. This GBBT is a trainwreck - did a quick google of Robert Rowe and this came up - - did time for bankruptcy fraud! Definitely the same guy, brother's name is Ronald. He signed a note that is an exhibit to the initial S-1. It ran too - check out the chart - lots of losses here!