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10/11/16 12:39 PM

#13480 RE: LongTimeObserver #13479

Hey LTO, it would be nice to have some of the former posters come back into this site and post some internet link to some relevant news about this company and specifically about Wang and Gong activities in China. A few months ago I contacted Billingsley to get some feedback and he mentioned some numbers that might indicate that this company has value but unfortunately there is nothing that he can do to help because there are no real avenues to go after Wang or the assets of this company--no filing has taken place in 3 years and "what happens in China stays in China".

I am sure that there must be some news about this company in the Kunming newspapers but unfortunately none of this board shareholders is Chinese and therefore no one has any relatives that could go and visit the headquarters of this company and make a report to those on this board who lost everything.

It seems almost like a bad dream that 2-3 years ago people used to post here with so much anticipation that things were going to get better and then Wang took the easy way out by leaving all the American shareholders with nothing because he knew that Chinese laws were on his side and it would have been almost impossible to go after him.