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07/27/16 12:03 PM

#41654 RE: Zeppo #41653

Now that is interesting timing...sounds like a typical move made in dirty politics daily. It is my understanding that the low budget SHM meeting will be held at the law office MZEI uses? Does that mean the meeting will be held in a typical SMALL conference room with seating for about 20 people?!

As jack correctly pointed out, buy more PPL?! are you $%#@! kidding me?
As others have pointed out and hope for, needs to be rock solid serious news in the pipe line. No fluffy BS from MZEI!
For a number of reasons my attitude has soured as you might have noticed.
For those that disagree with me, I say get a spine.
Greetings to my MZEI friend in Texas, he def has a strong spine.