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07/26/16 5:13 PM

#152361 RE: Evil Rabbit #152360

Dan has proven himself to be trustworthy

Yeah cause he has always done exactly what he said he would do and has never screwed anyone (except the guy suing him)

to me and his actions suggest he's working to reward all of the longs here.

Actions? Like what? adding a friend to the team so he can collect too?

It's a shame he's often attacked for those efforts.

He wouldn't be attacked if he made an effort to inform the shareholders of any effort he has put out.
Unfortunately he doesn't make an effort to inform anyone and when he does its no different than Scotts "effort"

"Coming soon" is all anyone can get.
Could it be that a Director that promises transparency, a 43-101 with a resource estimate is attacked because he has done nothing even close to what he said?

He'd probably concede as much as anyone else that transparency has been lacking here for a long time

Its been especially lacking ever since he said he would supply it.

until he joined the company the extent of Scott's inaction or obstruction wasn't clear.

It was pretty obvious to me which is why I have been saying Scott needed to go for 5 years.
It must have been unclear to you but that happens any time you ignore the facts.

Dan has since spent the better part of 12-18 months battling that and trying to turn things around.

Dan spent 12-18 months finding out that he cant do anything any better than Scott could because the company is not in any way capable of becoming what longs dream of.

Dan has accomplished 1 thing in a year and a half.
Drilling 1 hole in the wrong place.

Like I said.... no different than Scott.


07/26/16 8:34 PM

#152364 RE: Evil Rabbit #152360

Thank you and I agree.