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07/28/16 11:58 AM

#686 RE: tob999 #678

LPTN is Hyper Undervalued now --- Debt-Free plus $3.71 Book Value and $2.97 Cash Value v.s. at the joke low low $2.0 ~ $2.11 today!


08/01/16 2:15 PM

#688 RE: tob999 #678

LOL, LPTN has $3.71 per share Huge Positive Book Value plus Zero Debt v.s. it is trading at the joke low $1.98 a share price now! Hyper Undervalued currently...


08/03/16 2:47 PM

#691 RE: tob999 #678

LPTN just hit $2.17! $2.65 should be tested again very soon...