That was a very interesting article and the type I have been expecting. The whole genetic area while receiving massive amounts of general press is just now seeing a lot of attention to specific areas and or products.
It was only a matter of time IMHO until the FED flexed a little muscle and as the election year approaches I am sure we will see a lot of issues raised across the board with potential political overtones. It is funny how that always seems to happen isn't it?
The very Good news for DNAP is they have apparently from the get go sought FDA approvals even when there may have been no formal approvals available. I think this will give us a much better chance of being on the inside looking out in stead of the opposite. What a wonderful turn of events it would be if this effort to cultivate Federal approval produced DNAP's involvement with establishing industry standards, even if it is only a small contribution. Now the above is all pure conjecture on my part but I don't think it is outside the realm of reality.