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07/24/16 4:22 AM

#251411 RE: F6 #251265

RNC*2016 [Day 2, Tuesday July 19, 2016]
JULY 18-21


JULY 18-21

Tuesday Speakers
Please note: The speakers below are part of the prime-time program, which will follow Tuesday’s Nomination Process [included as the first portion of the YouTube second below].
Tuesday: Make America Work Again
Sharon Day, Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee
Dana White, President, UFC
Governor Asa Hutchison, Governor of Arkansas
Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas Attorney General
Michael B. Mukasey, Former Attorney General
Andy Wist, Businessman
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)
Chris Cox, Executive Director of NRA Institute for Legislative Action
Natalie Gulbis, Golfer, LPGA
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (WI-1)
U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)
Governor Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey
Tiffany Trump, Daughter of Donald Trump
Kerry Woolard, General Manager, Trump Winery
Donald Trump, Jr., Son of Donald Trump and EVP, The Trump Organization
U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-West Virginia)
Dr. Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon
Kimberlin Brown, Actor


[FULL] Monday Night | 2016 Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by Republican National Convention [ , ] [with comments]


GOP Convention Opens in Cleveland
Republican speakers twist facts on immigration, crime, Benghazi and employment.
July 19, 2016
CLEVELAND — The 2016 Republican National Convention opened with the first day’s theme “Make America Safe Again.” But in some cases the facts weren’t safe from distortion:
• Two security contractors at the CIA annex in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, repeated their claim that they were told to “stand down” and not help Americans under attack. But multiple official reports say such an order was never issued.
• The sister of a slain Border Patrol agent said President Obama has left “border patrol agents thinly equipped,” and undermanned. In fact, both funding and staffing have increased under Obama.
• A Senate candidate claimed “neighborhoods have become more violent” under President Obama. In fact, the violent crime rate has gone down 20 percent under Obama, as of the most recent FBI statistics for 2014.
• Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Rep. Michael McCaul both wrongly claimed that Hillary Clinton supports “open borders.” She supported a bill that would have created a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally, but it also would have increased border security.
• Giuliani said that Clinton “advocated for the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya” and should be “accountable” for the country’s chaos. But he failed to mention that Trump, at the time, also supported the ouster of Gadhafi.
• Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions claimed that wages “have fallen,” when they’re up under Obama. He blamed immigration for a low labor force participation rate, when it’s mainly the result of demographics, including the aging of baby boomers.


FACT CHECK: The First Night Of The Republican National Convention

U.S. Marine Corps veterans John Tiegen (left) and Mark Geist deliver a speech on the first day of the Republican National Convention on Monday.
July 19, 2016


further coverage of Day 1 of the RNC on Monday July 18, 2016 at/see (linked in) and preceding and following


Tuesday Night | Full Coverage | 2016 Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 20, 2016 by Republican National Convention
Relive every moment from the second day of the Republican National Convention [with comments]


Jay Shepard. Vermont. Full Speech at RNC 2016. July 19, 2016. Cleveland, Ohio.
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by Max Rid [ , ]
Jay Shepard. Vermont. Full Speech. Republican National Convention. 2016 July 19, 2016. RNC 2016. Cleveland, Ohio. [with comments]


FULL SPEECH: OH NO SHE DIDN'T! GOP Co-Chair Sharon Day GOES THERE! - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona [ / , ]
OH NO SHE DIDN'T! GOP Co-Chair Sharon Day GOES THERE! - Republican National Convention [with comments]


Dana White FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN [ / , ]
Dana White delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


Published on Jul 19, 2016 by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. [ , ]
ASA HUTCHISON FULL SPEECH AT THE 2016 GOP RNC CONVENTION DAY 2 (7/19/2016) [no comments yet]


FULL SPEECH: AG Leslie Rutledge - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona
FULL SPEECH: Arkansas AG Leslie Rutledge - Republican National Convention [with comments]


Fmr. Attorney General Michael Mukasey slams Clinton at RNC
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News [ / , ]
Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey addressed the RNC Tuesday night. Mukasey slammed Clinton for her use of a private email server. See his full remarks. [with comments]


"Mystery man" speaks at the GOP convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News
Andy Wist is being dubbed as the "mystery man" who spoke at the Republican National Convention. See the businessman's full remarks here. [with comments]


Sen. Ron Johnson: Clinton lied "repeatedly"
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News
Senator Ron Johnson addressed the Republican convention Tuesday night. Johnson slammed Clinton for lying "repeatedly" to the American people. See his full remarks. [his opening lines a particular must-see; with comments]


Executive director of NRA Chris Cox speaks at RNC
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News
Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action spoke at the RNC in Cleveland. See his remarks here. [with comments]


Natalie Gulbis FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Natalie Gulbis delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


Donald Trump addresses GOP Convention from New York City (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Donald Trump delivers remarks to the Republican National Convention from New York City. More videos here: [with comments]


U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell speaks at RNC
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News
Senator Mitch McConnell spoke at the RNC Tuesday night. McConnell said we "cannot allow" Clinton to be president. Watch his speech here. [with comments]


Paul Ryan FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Paul Ryan delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy addresses RNC
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by CBS News
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy addressed the RNC Tuesday night. McCarthy spoke about a "destructive eight years under the Obama administration," saying "in 112 days, it is over." See his full remarks. [no comments yet]


Chris Christie FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Chris Christie delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


Tiffany Trump FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Tiffany Trump delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


FULL SPEECH: Kerry Woolard Trump Winery - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona
FULL SPEECH: Kerry Woolard - Republican National Convention [with comment]


Donald Trump, Jr. FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Melania Trump delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


FULL SPEECH: Senator Shelley Moore Capito - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona
FULL SPEECH: Senator Shelley Moore Capito - Republican National Convention [with comment]


Dr. Ben Carson FULL REMARKS GOP Convention (C-SPAN)
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by C-SPAN
Dr. Ben Carson delivers remarks at the Republican National Convention. More videos here: [with comments]


FULL SPEECH: Kimberlin Brown - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona
FULL SPEECH: Kimberlin Brown Republican National Convention [with comments]


FULL: Sajid Tarar Founder, American Muslims for Trump - Republican National Convention
Published on Jul 19, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona
Sajid Tarar Founder, American Muslims for Trump - Republican National Convention [with comments]


GOP Convention, Day 2
The speakers went too far in their claims on guns, Benghazi, coal jobs, Keystone and more.
July 20, 2016
CLEVELAND — The theme of the second night of the Republican convention was “Make America Work Again,” but the false and misleading claims we flagged touched on topics beyond the economy and jobs:
• Donald Trump Jr. distorted Clinton’s gun control proposal, claiming, as his father did, that she wants to “take away Americans’ guns.” Clinton’s gun control proposal doesn’t call for taking away guns.
• Two speakers claimed that Clinton paid women less than men in her Senate office. That’s true if one includes only workers who worked for Clinton full-time for a full year, but it’s not accurate if including workers who worked part of the year or took unpaid leaves of absences.
• Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and former U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey both mentioned Clinton’s “what difference does it make” quote on Benghazi, but left out the context of that remark. Clinton didn’t say that the loss of life in Benghazi didn’t make a difference.
• Sens. Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia took Clinton’s words on coal-mining jobs out of context. Capito said Clinton “promised to devastate communities and families across coal country.” But Clinton said she wants to bring renewable energy jobs to coal country to replace lost coal jobs.
• Capito used a one-sided report and back-of-the-envelope calculation to claim that “the burden of government regulations in this country amounts to $15,000 a household.” And she exaggerated the number of coal mining jobs that have been lost since 2011, putting the figure at 60,000, when it’s 36,700.
• Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wrongly said that Clinton was for the Keystone XL pipeline before she was against it. She did not take a position until she opposed the pipeline in 2015.
• Capito also said the Obama “economic agenda” has led to “the lowest workforce participation in decades,” but the rate began its decline in the late 1990s and is due mainly to baby boomers retiring and other demographic factors. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, is below the historical norm.
• Sen. Jeff Sessions claimed that “respect for America has fallen,” but the U.S. is viewed more favorably in many countries now than it was before President Obama took office.
• Donald Trump Jr. also wrongly said that his father “funded his entire primary run out of his own pocket.” Trump provided about 73 percent of the funding, but not all of it.


Fact-checking the second day of the 2016 Republican National Convention

Donald Trump Jr. makes a speech the second day of the Republican National Convention.
July 19, 2016 [with comments]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (any future other) following, see also (linked in): and following and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and following and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and following, and preceding (and any future following) and following and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following and following, and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following) and following (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and following, and preceding and following (and any future following) (and any future following); (and any future following) and following


08/02/16 5:16 AM

#252321 RE: F6 #251265

Robert Reich Perfectly Explains to Hillary Clinton the Real Reckoning We Are Facing

Washington insiders expect a return to politics as usual.

By Robert Reich / August 1, 2016

In her speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton said the nation was at “a moment of reckoning.”

She’s right, but the reckoning is not simply the choice voters face this fall between her and Donald Trump. The real reckoning is larger and it will extend beyond Election Day.

Yet Washington insiders expect a return to politics as usual.

I’m already hearing Republicans dismiss Donald Trump as a weird aberration. “Ordinarily, Trump wouldn’t have stood a chance,” a Republican operative told me. “He won because he didn’t have a clear opponent until the very end. And Cruz is almost as crazy as Trump.”

I get a similar story from Democrats trying to explain Bernie Sanders. “His campaign was a freak,” a longtime Democratic adviser told me. “Hillary will be elected and then Washington will go on as if nothing happened.”

They want to return to business as usual because many of them make their bread on that business – working for big corporations, Wall Street, or wealthy individuals as political consultants, lobbyists, corporate lawyers, government-relations specialists, public-relations specialists, trade association staff, and paid experts.

But Donald Trump isn’t just an aberration and Bernie Sanders wasn’t just a flash in the pan. Both, in very different ways, reflect a crisis in our political economy.

In a Gallup poll taken in mid-July, before the conventions, 82 percent said America was on the wrong track. In an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll just before that, 56 percent said they preferred a candidate who would bring sweeping changes to the way the government functioned, no matter how unpredictable those changes might be.

The major issue the public is reacting to isn’t terrorism or racism. We didn’t see these numbers after 9/11. We didn’t even get these sorts of responses in the late 1960s, when American cities were torn by riots and when the Vietnam War was raging.

It’s the rigging of our economy – the increasingly tight nexus between wealth and political power. Big money has been buying political clout to get laws and regulations that make big money even bigger.

As Hillary Clinton said in her acceptance speech, “I believe that our economy isn’t working the way it should because our democracy isn’t working the way it should.”

She’s correct, but she didn’t finish the logic. Democracy is not working the way it should because it’s being corrupted by big money. That big money is altering the rules of the game to generate even bigger money.

Americans now pay more for pharmaceuticals than the citizens of any other advanced nation because Big Pharma is setting the rules – extending the life of drug patents, prohibiting Medicare from using its bargaining power to get lower drug prices, and blocking consumers from buying cheaper drugs from Canada.

We pay more for Internet service, health insurance, airline tickets, and banking services because the increasing market power of key players in these industries lets them raise prices. Antitrust enforcement has been systematically weakened.

The biggest Wall Street banks continue to reap the financial benefits of being too big to fail. Hedge-fund partners make bundles from confidential information, trading on which used to be illegal.

CEOs cash in their stock options and grants just when they pump up the value of their company’s stocks with buybacks. It’s allowed because laws and regulations have been loosened.

Trade agreements are now designed to protect the intellectual property and foreign assets of giant corporations, but nothing is done to protect the incomes of Americans who lose their jobs to foreign competition.

This is business as usual in Washington.

Hillary Clinton has a long list of good proposals for helping average working people, but none of them is going anywhere if Washington stays the same and the economic game remains rigged.

Instead, Americans will become even more angry and cynical.

That’s the real reckoning – hers and ours.

Donald Trump didn’t come from nowhere. He is the loudest and clearest warning shot across the bow of the current American political economic system.

Hopefully he’ll lose in November. But unless that warning is heeded, the dark anger that has produced him will produce another homegrown demagogue, possibly far worse.

Robert B. Reich has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. His latest book is "Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few." His website is


08/12/16 11:42 PM

#253236 RE: F6 #251265

Watch: Bill Maher Spend 30 Glorious Minutes Railing Against Donald Trump
Published on Jul 22, 2016 by THE ONE [ , ]
Bill Maher spent the entire stretch of a special Republican National Convention-themed episode of his eponymous HBO show on Thursday thrashing the now-official Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Maher ? alongside California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), author Robert Reich, and Heather McGhee, head of the think tank Demos ? was quick to point out the “fact-free” nature of the speech, noting the Republican party has taken its conservative platform “to a whole new level” this election season.
Trump’s exhaustive, hour and 16 minute-long acceptance speech focused heavily on fear and hate while, once again, straying away from any concrete policy plans that don’t involve building walls and banning the world’s Muslims.
“He’s got this idea that everyone in this country is terrified of one another, is terrified of the world and he’s the only answer,” McGhee said. “It’s terrifying.”
“I honestly have never heard a speech that was as longwinded ... as full of fear,” Reich continued. “This was the most negative acceptance speech I have ever heard. I do think that it’s scary because in many ways it was effective. He is a marketer, he knows how to tap into what people want to hear.”
Maher went on to comment on Trump’s dextrous ability to fiddle with reality, especially when it comes to his promise to keep a balanced budget while providing tax breaks to the richest Americans and simultaneously funding massive upticks in infrastructure and military spending.
“For a guy who is thought by so many people to be a genius because he’s rich, he seems to know nothing about money,” Maher said.
The panelists went on to note how the entire election had become “a referendum on decency,” while McGhee said Trump was trying to up “the idea of racial resentment.”
Take a look at the full episode above.
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar,rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ? 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ? from entering the U.S. [with comments] [an imperfect ad-laden substitute available for the time being of the original in the post to which this is a reply, which original (along with the original YouTube publications by HBO/Maher of the three other Maher convention specials elsewhere in this string) has since been made private in an incredibly chickenshit move by HBO/Maher]