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07/21/16 10:17 AM

#716 RE: dude iligence #715

That's great. I was in @ 9.64 and sold @ 24.49. Still out. Not shorting.

dude iligence

07/25/16 10:18 PM

#719 RE: dude iligence #715

$11-12 as predicted up $10 per share on the current short. 10 to 1 RS at the same time an increase of the AS to a WHOPPING 300 mil can be for only 1 reason. DILUTION. SGY MGT making bagholders of all the shareholders that bought as high as $25.5 a mere 9 days ago. MGT is rooting tooting diluting brand spanking new shares as fast as they can get them off the printing press. YEE HAW!