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07/20/16 1:59 PM

#251123 RE: F6 #251116

They should have blamed the pony.

Ms. McIver identified herself in an unusual statement posted on the Trump campaign’s website, hours after the chief strategist, Paul Manafort, said the issue was manufactured by the news media. And it breathed new life into a story now in its third day.

“In working with Melania on her recent first lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people,” Ms. McIver wrote.

“A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama,” she added.


07/20/16 2:19 PM

#251126 RE: F6 #251116

All the Different Things the Trump Campaign Said About Melania Trump’s Speech


Donald J. Trump and his campaign responded Monday night to the discovery that Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention contained lines that were strikingly similar to Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech. Mr. Trump’s advisers and surrogates offered a series of explanations and denials to the accusations. Here is a sampling of those statements:

“It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania. Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Very proud! #GOPConvention” — Mr. Trump on Twitter after questions arose about the speech


“In writing her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania’s immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success.” —Jason Miller, senior communications adviser in a statement


“There was no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech. These are common words and values that Melania cares about — her family, things like that. She was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. Melania knew that. To think that she would be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy. This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks out to demean her and take her down. It’s not going to work against Melania Trump.” — Paul Manafort, Trump campaign chairman, in an interview with CNN


“These were not groundbreaking thoughts, Jamie: that people are raised in this country to work hard, to go for what they want, to make sure their kids reach their dreams. So, I just don’t see it. ... If we’re talking about 7 percent of a speech — that was really universally considered to be a good performance by Melania. I know her. There is no way that Melania Trump was plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech.

“I think if you look at a plagiarism, Jamie — and I remember this from back in school — you’re talking about much broader than what we saw last night, of people who are copying and lifting from speeches. I know her and I don’t believe she would do that. And I don’t believe that last night sounded like anyone other than Melania Trump. I wasn’t sitting there saying, ‘Wow, that sounds like Michelle Obama to me.’ That sounds like Melania Trump to me.” — Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Trump campaign adviser, in an interview with Jamie Gangel of CNN


“First of all, we think that Melania’s speech was a great speech. Obviously Michelle Obama feels very similar sentiments toward her family. We’re comfortable that the words that she used are personal to her.” — Mr. Manafort at a briefing Tuesday morning


“I’m sure they referred to a lot of speeches by a lot of people, because this was the message she was trying to convey. Because she loves her husband she comes from a foreign country, and she wanted to talk about that journey. She’s extremely successful, brilliant woman, speaking five languages, English is not her native tongue, and she really wanted to communicate to Americans in phrases that they’ve heard before, like Laura Bush, and like Elizabeth Dole.” — Katrina Pierson, a Trump campaign spokeswoman


“I don’t blame her. Some of these things are pretty common types of themes.” — Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman


“I’m sure what happened is the person who was helping write this plucked something in there, an unfortunate oversight, and certainly Melania didn’t have anything to do with it.” — Sam Clovis, a Trump campaign co-chairman, in an MSNBC interview


“If the staff did not do their job properly, and didn’t vet the speech properly based on the larger picture and narrative that she put together, then there should be accountability. No question.” Corey Lewandowski, Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager


07/20/16 4:56 PM

#251141 RE: F6 #251116

Melania is LAZY! ... geez you can't even take the time to read your BIG speech? / / .... shit she could have hired
someone to do it !!!! .. oh that's right they did .. but LAZY Melania apparently thought 'she knew more'

.................hahahaha!!!! ... what a dumb move.

I mean this is it! YOUR only chance at YOUR own big speech . .and you muff it! . .hell it wasn't even that long
..........for christ sakes .. she's dumb too .. they go so well together! ..

Hey look at this nice little Irish island . .;) ( I bet you've seen it already ) .. anyway.. yeah, I could live there
.. it's looks a bit cold but hell .. I could get used to it .. ;)

The Tiny Irish Island That Will Welcome American Refugees

Jul 19, 2016 |