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07/19/16 12:28 PM

#251059 RE: conix #251058

More from last night.

Queen takes issue with Trump's use of 'We Are The Champions'

Cooper Allen, USA TODAY 11:12 a.m. EDT July 19, 2016

The hits just keep on coming from the Melania Trump speech last night.

Prior to her address, her husband, Donald Trump, dramatically strode on stage to introduce her with Queen's We Are the Champions booming through Quicken Loans Arena.

The song played again as Trump re-joined his wife on stage after the speech, which hours later would be consumed in controversy over charges a section of it was plagiarized from Michelle Obama's 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Queen may or may not take issue with the speech itself, but the British rock band made clear their feelings about the use of their anthem.

"An unauthorised use at the Republican Convention against our wishes," the band succinctly said on Twitter on Tuesday morning.
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07/19/16 12:32 PM

#251060 RE: conix #251058

Well, as to character... I have heard Hillary apologize for screw-ups, but never, not once, from Agent Orange. I think all politicians are narcissists to some degree, but trump is at a psychotic level of that. I know you hate hillary, but if you were even mildly objective you would have to admit she is quite a bit more human than trump.

The benghazi thing is so lame, why didn't your boys investigate why the republican congress cut funding for embassy security?

The email thing has been beaten to death, she had a private server as did her predecessors and there were no clearly marked security secrets flying through it. Smokescreen for trump being a billionaire and paying no taxes. And your republicans who are taking up the slack by paying a greater share of taxes than him just obliviously support him. Idiots supporting the very type of person who has raped any other businessmen they have come into contact with and think that is leadership.

His foreign policy experience is pretty much limited to getting the paperwork through for his mail order brides. That, and exporting jobs and buying substandard products from sweatshops.