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07/19/16 10:34 AM

#251047 RE: Susie924 #251040

Of COURSE it was flat out plagarism. And would be a political death knell in many cases, but we are talking trump universe here. Trump would never apologize, as it is not in his extremely narcissistic personality to do so. I would hazard a guess that the majority of diehard trump supporters have no idea what plagarism is and couldn't define it if it bit them on their swastika-bearing arms.

I can just hear him... "see, Melanomia has all the same, right ideas in her head as other first ladies. She is very smart and uses big words. Compared to Benghazi, this is nothing. The press has no business besmirching my wife's performance. She is hot, almost as hot as Ivanka. And it is not true that my hands are so small that it takes two hands for me to pick my nose properly, it is the mainstream media attacking me that proves her words were just accidently the same."

And it proves that if you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite number of typewriters, they would come up with the same stuff. And the room would look like a trump rally.