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The Pup

07/19/16 9:35 AM

#19071 RE: TechKim #19070

In conversing with some inside the Beltway we can confirm Glass-Stegall is coming back. It will break up the banks again. Further,Congress is going to eliminate much of the worthless Dodd-Frank Bill. This set of conditions will be very beneficial for the financial sector.


07/19/16 9:38 PM

#19073 RE: TechKim #19070

The FED WILL NOT decide when interest rates are raised. Wall Street will make that decision for them. The Feds are completely useless and the market will dictate to them when/if interest rates are raised.

This is not a savings economy , it's a spending economy......that will not change in the foreseeable future.

BAC needs to find their way around this obstacle. Based on the ceo's comments they already know this.