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07/20/16 7:33 PM

#251160 RE: F6 #251014

Cutting the Crap on Bill O’Reilly’s Racist Rant

July 24, 2013 Milt Shook Racism, RepubliCONs, Right Wing Echo Chamber One comment

Really, is there anything more obnoxious in the world than a 63-year-old white guy who obviously has extremely limited contact with black Americans lecturing us on what the first black President should have addressed last week in his remarks about Trayvon Martin? Think about this; a few years ago, Al Sharpton took him to Sylvia’s, a famous Harlem eatery, and O’Reilly expressed shock and surprise that black people used utensils and not cursing when asking for another glass of iced tea. What better person in the world to tell us about race, eh?

.. more .. with one meaty comment ..

See also:

5 Facts That Shatter the Myth of ‘Black-on-Black’ Crime
C. Robert Gibson | December 29, 2015