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07/17/16 10:22 PM

#250979 RE: F6 #250952

Gulen, Israel or Erdogan?

Suspected Turkey Coup Leader Served as Military Attaché to Israel

General Akin Öztürk [ ], who served as commander of
Turkey's air force, was arrested Saturday in connection with the failed coup. At least five other generals were detained.

Asaf Ronel Jul 16, 2016 9:30 PM ..

This Finance Twitter suggests the failed coup was an Erdogan play. ..
it's supposed to be a blog on financial stuff .. .. and i can't see who wrote the article.

Possible, i guess, but how? Does he just suggest to a some top military brass, 'hey you fake a coup! .. no problem,
i'll have your back all the way' .. then arrest them and all the others they sucked into the fake coup attempt?

Erdogan no doubt has benefitted the most from the failed coup and it's alleged he said it was a gift from God.

“This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army,”

God sure gets a lot of credit for so many actions and events, in both the Christian and the Muslim world. Whether they fail or not. Chuckle.

An international broadsheet the Epoch Times .. .. which many suggest is a Falon Gong
newspaper (denied, but many who work for it are apparently practitioners) reports state media reported the leader of the coup
was Colonel Muharrem Kose .. .. who reportedly had been fired recently.

Fired Colonel Behind Coup Attempt Says State Media
Turkish state media have reported that colonel Muharrem Kose, who was fired in March, is behind the attempted coup.

I don't recall seeing Kose mentioned in other articles.

Guess you've read suggestions Gulen is with CIA, some say he would not have organized it without CIA approval.

LOL, F6, i've no idea. How would Erdogan organize, and get away with it?

Re-posted to fix a couple of minor errors.


07/21/16 1:33 AM

#251199 RE: F6 #250952

Turkey coup attempt: State of emergency announced

3 hours ago

VIDEO: President Erdogan explains why he has declared a state of emergency

Turkey's president has declared a state of emergency for three months following Friday night's failed army coup.

Speaking at the presidential palace in Ankara, Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed that "all the viruses within the armed forces will be cleansed".

The declaration could be used to extend the detention of nearly 10,000 people rounded up since the failed coup.

More than 600 schools have been closed and thousands of state workers sacked in a crackdown by the president.

* Cleric Gulen condemns post-coup 'witch-hunt' -

* How mobiles beat tanks and saved Erdogan -

* Who was behind coup attempt? -

* Why did Turkish coup plot fail? -

"This measure is in no way against democracy, the law and freedoms," said Mr Erdogan after announcing the state of emergency.

He praised those who were killed fighting against the coup as "martyrs". Some 246 people were killed resisting the attempted coup, according to the government.

Mr Erdogan was speaking after holding meetings of Turkey's national security council and the cabinet in the capital.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier responded to Mr Erdogan's speech by urging the Turkish government to maintain both the rule of law and a sense of proportionality in its response to the coup attempt.

"Only provable involvement in illegal acts, not suspected political leanings, should trigger governmental action," Mr Steinmeier said.

"It's also critical that the declaration of emergency be the truly necessary length of time, and to end the measure as quickly as possible."

President Erdogan praised "heroic acts of bravery" in resisting the coup

The president has blamed the coup attempt on US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, a former ally whose followers run a worldwide network of schools.

He has called for Mr Gulen to be extradited to Turkey, but US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday that Turkey must provide hard evidence the cleric was behind the coup attempt for any extradition to take place.

Earlier, Mr Erdogan warned of further arrests and suspensions to come as Turkish authorities continued to pursue those they believed responsible for the thwarted putsch.

More than 50,000 state employees have been rounded up, sacked or suspended in the days since the coup attempt. On Wednesday, 99 top military officers were charged in connection with the events of the weekend.

Officials continued to take action against university and school employees, shutting down educational establishments, banning foreign travel for academics and forcing university heads of faculty to resign.

The government has also revoked the press credentials of 34 journalists who it alleges are connected to Mr Gulen, according to Turkish media.

Amnesty International described the authorities' actions .. ..
as "a crackdown of exceptional proportions".


Erdogan Declares 3-Month State of Emergency in Turkey


Soldiers searched Wednesday in Marmaris, Turkey, for missing military members suspected of being
involved in a failed coup. Kenan Gurbuz/Reuters


Detained solider were taken to court in Istanbul on Wednesday. Bulent Kilic/Agence
France-Presse — Getty Images

Gee. It's not hard to think of much of what's in those soldier's minds .. and 39 min ago

In response to failed coup, Turkish president says state of emergency will last for three months.