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Thirsty Tiger

08/02/06 1:07 AM

#26290 RE: oilstrike #26250

There will not be a trading halt

Under the NASD OTCBB rules a company cannot request a trading halt and the NASD cannot halt an OTCBB traded security unless

• the OTCBB security is dually listed on a foreign market or is registered with a foreign regulatory authority and a foreign regulatory authority or market halts trading in the security;

• the OTCBB security is a derivative or component of a Nasdaq or an exchange-listed security and Nasdaq or the exchange halts trading in the underlying security; and

• the OTCBB issuer does not timely provide the NASD with information required by SEC Rule 10b-17.

None of which applies to FHAL

See NASD rules 4120 and 6545 for further info. You can also check the OTCBB halt codes here

and as you can plainly see none is applicable to FHAL

Only the SEC has authority to initiate a trading halt in FHAL and this will not least not just yet

Also forget about thinking the the trade symbol will change in the middle of a trading session. Will not and cannot happen. Under OTCBB rules the symbol change will be disseminated to the public in the afternoon the day before the change. The symbol change will be publicized here

and here

You don't know much do you