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07/17/16 8:10 AM

#54733 RE: StockItOut #54729

I think it is still way overvalued in my opinion, but they have the ability to hold us hostage now with bail ins and ending cash if they decide to. Usually gold has an inverse relationship with the dollar and equity markets, but that is not the case, because people are aware that half of our income taxes now goes to just the interest on the debt. With over 250 trillion (with a t) in derivatives exposure and only roughly 70 billion ( with a b) in fdic insurance, the banks will help themselves to depositors (investors) money, which actually isn't cash sitting in a vault, but rather just numbers in a computer. Banks have positioned themselves by stating that they have "super priority" during bankruptcies meaning they are paid off before anyone else. They did this in the 2014 Cromnibus Bill (Citigroup bill). Once that 70 billion is gone, what's the next move? Depositors money? Or enter more numbers into the computer? Either choice is bad although the markets seem to be responding to "stimulus" positively lately like a heroine addict that needs their fix and doesn't care that they are destroying the foundation that is themselves, in the process. By ending cash and going all digital, they will have hijacked everyone unwillingly for we will all be at their mercy. Of course it is illegal to even own gold except for bullion and when push comes to shove they will want that back as well and we will give it to them cuz we live in Pokemon augmented reality world now. Americans need to awake from their slumber along with the rest of the world. Pretty grim stuff but alas the Earth rotated to allow us to see the Sun once again. Enjoy the day!

Those who sacrifice their liberty for a little security, deserve neither. Ben Franklin