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07/16/16 12:58 PM

#268528 RE: entdoc #268523

SK mentioned Bavi and Alzheimer's disease 3 years ago at a stockholder's meeting.

I remember and I wonder if Biogen will soon jump on the collaboration bandwagon with PS Targeting, since Michael Ehlers should not be left behind and if he is as close to the translational research as he should be.... I believe PS Targeting must be targeted in order to have a chance at reversing alzheimers.


He holds M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he pioneered studies on the regulation and trafficking of glutamate receptors.


Its been a possibility since decades ago... now, PS Targeting should be well known by most small biotechs and researchers that it must be targeted for many diseases (or maybe some Big Pharma don't want it to be well known... just yet)

Regulation of glutamate receptors: possible role of phosphatidylserine.


The polar head group of the phospholipid phosphatidylserine is similar in structure to the glutamate analogue 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB), an antagonist of excitatory transmission in the brain. When tested in ligand binding assays phosphatidylserine and its polar head group components O-phosphoserine and L-alpha-glycerophosphoserine were good displacers of APB-sensitive L-glutamate binding. The polar head group components were also antagonists of synaptic field potentials in the rat dentate gyrus evoked by stimulation of a presumed glutamate-using pathway. These results suggest that phosphatidylserine may regulate the activity of synaptic L-glutamate receptors.


Michael Ehlers

In an interview with -Neuron, Dr. Ehlers, the Executive Vice President for Research and Development at Biogen, discusses the big questions to be answered in the field of therapeutic discovery and development. Read his insights on therapeutic approaches to impact neurodegenerative diseases as well as his story of an
inadvertent discovery.

Do you have a favorite anecdote from doing science that you would
like to share (perhaps a key discovery moment)?

Every discovery has a story behind it.
What advice do you find yourself
giving to your students and

My first piece of advice is to have fun, and keep in mind what a privilege it is to do science for a living. I usually advise
students and postdocs to pick their advisor rather than strictly their project. Selecting an advisor requires a personality match
and there is no easy formula, but the right advisor can make even the most seemingly boring project come to life, and vice versa. I tell young scientists to be fearless and take risks, and aim to tackle big questions, because that is the route to real impact. I encourage students and postdocs to challenge dogma and not assume that established scientists in the field have gotten things right. I like to remind students that most experiments fail, but that it only takes one really great experiment to change the world.
I also try to keep tabs on and connections with individuals who have been back and forth between academia and industry, since this is my current world,including people like:

David Bredt: Johnson / Johnson - Global Head..ties to UCSF

Ricardo Dolmetsch: Novartis - Global Head... ties to Stanford

Anirvan Ghosh: Roche - Global Head..> just left for E-Scape Bio..

Corey Goodman: ex-Pfizer "Vow Of Silence $1.7M" now ven-Bio fund

Steve Paul: ex-Eli/NIH/Voyager /Appel Alz../VoyagerTherapeutics

Morgan Sheng: ex-MIT now VP Neuroscience Genentech since 2008

Marc Tessier-Lavigne: hmmm.. incoming Pres. at Stanford Sept 2016

...and others. It is a relatively small group of us, so I
always appreciate sounding off ideas and experiences.

Michael, as your friends what they think about PS Targeting : )