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07/17/16 12:32 AM

#250947 RE: F6 #250925

Colorado GOP delegates should abstain in Trump vote

David Zalubowski, The Associated Press
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver on July 1.

By The Denver Post Editorial Board

PUBLISHED: July 16, 2016 at 5:00 pm | UPDATED: July 15, 2016 at 7:07 pm

As Colorado’s delegates to the Republican National Convention settle into their Cleveland hotel this weekend, we hope they won’t be tempted to drink the Trump Kool-Aid.

The state party’s delegates find themselves in a unique situation, and they should make the most of it. If ever a vote required the kind of purity test activists are so fond of, refusing to back a racist, misogynist megalomaniac would be the time.

The party decided almost a year ago — long before Donald Trump caught fire — to forgo a presidential preference poll during its caucus on March 1, and so no count was conducted. By mid-April, while the party wrapped up its delegate selection process, a push was on to dump Trump, and Ted Cruz was one of the last candidates standing. Colorado Republicans entrusted all 34 of their delegates to the Texas senator.

Colorado’s congressional delegation, save for Rep. Ken Buck, who admits he regrets the Trump candidacy, are opting to not attend the convention. In Sen. Cory Gardner’s case, he’s planning to put in appearances before skipping town long before the New York billionaire takes the stage.

Finally, some members of Colorado’s delegation supported the failed “conscience clause” effort to select another nominee. But they have other options, including deciding to abstain.

Trump has never seemed a good fit for the more libertarian Colorado conservative base. His antipathy toward free trade violates conservative principles. His retrograde explanations for walling the border lack presidential temperament. His call to bar visitors from countries based on their religious beliefs shows incredibly poor understanding of our nation’s most sacred principles. His demeaning comments and actions toward women make a mockery of achieving the equality so many have worked so hard to establish. His hostility to a free press, and by extension the First Amendment, alarms. The violence he has encouraged at his rallies demonstrates that he would lead as a thug and should disqualify him before a party that holds dear the concept of strong and clear-eyed use of force to protect the homeland. His effort to make his case directly to Colorado conservatives earlier this month failed to connect.

And really, what are his chances of winning? His ground game looks paltry compared to Hillary Clinton’s and his failure to capitalize on her e-mail scandal suggests he doesn’t even have the focus needed to prevail.

The party should fear his impact all the way down the ticket.

What’s the point of staying with this guy?

We understand that the party is under practical pressures that now look insurmountable. But Donald Trump would be bad for the nation and bad for the Republican brand. A principled abstention preserves the spirit of the rules. And if enough delegates from other states join in and give them the chance, then Colorado’s delegates should dump Trump.

When you find yourself in an abusive relationship, the smart thing to do — the right thing — is to get a divorce.

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2010 Census Reapportionment: Colorado will remain at 9 electoral votes through the 2020 presidential election.

Colorado gained statehood in August 1876. Although surrounded by “red” (except for New Mexico to the south) and despite the fact that it had voted Republican in all but three elections since World War II (before 2008), Colorado is considered a battleground state due to the independent nature of the electorate. In 2004, George Bush defeated John Kerry by 4.7%, the fifth closest outcome of the 31 states won by the incumbent president. The state shifted in 2008, voting for Barack Obama by 54%-45% over John McCain. Obama won again in 2012, but with a smaller margin of 5.4% over Mitt Romney. Colorado’s population has been growing, and it now has 50% more electoral votes than it did in the 1960s.

Wrapped and ready, maybe .. +9 for the good guys, maybe .. Liberal Redneck offers .. solid advice.

Trumpelstiltskin gives no ground, as evidenced in his 'cheating' of Andrew Tesoro .. (h/t bulldzr)
.. unless in his mind he is a winner, so why give him any ground, or credit, wherever or whenever.

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Trump University Taught Students How to Exploit Disabled Homeowners
Looking to make a buck? Target the poor, unemployed, and disabled.

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