Please provide exact data regarding your statement that the share structure has increased. Every stocks share structure increases at some point. Your blanket statement needs context to be relevant.
$RXMD. The question/challenge has been presented. Where is your evidence? You have one chance. If you have no facts to back up your statement, your credibility will be ____________ fill in the blank.
Laughable comment about the O/S - "...seems every time they put out news..."????
Try the facts:
First time ANY shares were added to the O/S since the O/S was confirmed to be 352,043,045 on December 10, 2015.
News Date: O/S Shares: Change December 9, 2015: 352,043,045 February 16, 2016: 352,043,045 (no change) March 9, 2016: 352,043,045 (no change) March 24, 2016: 339,545,107 (reduction of 12,497,938) April 6, 2016: 339,545,107 (no change) May 10, 2016: 339,545,107 (no change) June 15, 2016: 339,545,107 (no change) July 14, 2016: 341,107,607 (addition of 1,562,500)