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07/14/16 11:44 AM

#2771 RE: LCJR #2770

$BLSP reported that full production of its two plants will begin Q 3, which seems to suggest that test productions have likely begun. That must be what that blue liquid is in the aerial photos. Anyway, I can't fathom that the CEO would tout this at the Marcum conference with reasonable certainty. The weather in Charlotte has been fabulous this summer.

Now, in the presentation they said an institutional investor had approached them (presumably Lazarus) about converting old coal plants into biogas. Anyone know anything about this?

Could it be possible that Blue Sphere and Lazarus is developing a deal with a municipality to re-energize the economy of an old coal town.

Anyway, as I understand EBIDTA is a true measurement of profit, and this little gem will produce a guaranteed $16 million in year one of profitability, with guarantees backed up by mammoth energy companies.

I see a quadruple of current share price within 6 months of today.