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07/14/16 2:54 PM

#1630 RE: goforthebet #1594

'goforthebet' You NEVER bet against the house & the house says that fiat is what's on the table. As I've otulined in my post below, this premise of the "fiat world" coming to an end in your neighborhood in the very near future, has been bandied about for so damn long, it makes my brain freeze from the re-current bullsh*t from those that have been hyping this same theme for DECADES. Gold/Gold Miners & the whole rest of this space will tread water for years to come & even though I OWN miners, I will sell when a good profit is @ hand & then use the $'s to make another trade that will bring more profits, rather than wait for the 'Gold Phoenix" to rise. Waiting for that event to take place, will leave you contemplating ashes rather than profits. GLTA Play it like you see it.


07/14/16 3:03 PM

#1631 RE: goforthebet #1594

FWIW- I have been told by an Ph.D Economist that all the Financials Indicators point to a Global Recession.....He said that do not know when will happen but it will be Sudden and Painful!!!....

Best of luck
