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02/18/07 4:15 PM

#100 RE: ONEBGG #60

.<font color=#006400> * Posting Images

To post an image it must first be located on the world-wide-web; most, but not all images will ‘remote link’ to iH, but not all. To post an image use the iH charting tool: [-chart]www… [chart-](without dashes).

Place your mouse or pointer over the image,

Right Click over the image and select ‘properties’,

Copy the URL starting after the “http://” and beginning with the “www” (if it there is one), if no there is no "www" start copying the url after the "HTTP://"

Place this url between the [-chart] & [/chart-] tags (without dashes).

If you would like to use your own image, or host the image yourself to insure that remote link doesn't stopped, you can upload and host your own images for free at: