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07/12/16 12:57 PM

#10682 RE: Sgreg #10677

Thing is,establishment wants Hillary to win and will continue to prop up the market ,especially equities,because the average person (voter) only understands stocks up or down. They have no clue about rates/bonds/currency and world economy.

Yellen will make Obama look good for his remaining months which will help Hillary get elected.

If economy tanked it would be bad and hurt Hillary numbers.They can't have her look bad.

Wall street loves Hillary and that includes the IMF/Banks and most other world leaders.

PS:Gold / GDX usually drops before earnings.So this drop in gold might just be people waiting for miners 2nd quarter report. Last quarter before 1st quarter was released ,gold was around 1200's to 1240's or something and GDX was around $22 . Both gold/gdx ran up after 1st quarter reports for miners. See charts.

So don't take too much into this drop in gold. GDX isn't selling off big time (compare to golds recent drop) and hedge funds and heavy hitters are just waiting to see which way the wind is blowing. Unless there were leaks that us peons don't know about :(