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07/12/16 2:48 PM

#250679 RE: F6 #250640

Kansas Cop Fired After Threatening 5-Year-Old Girl On Facebook

“Hold her close tonight,” the officer wrote on the girl’s mother’s Facebook page. “It’ll be the last time.”
A Kansas police officer has been fired from his post after leaving a comment on a Dallas woman’s Facebook page that threatened her 5-year-old daughter.
Facebook user “Rodney Lee” published the comment at 11:50 p.m. last Thursday on LaNaydra Williams’ Facebook page. “We’ll see how much her life matters soon..” he wrote beneath a two-year-old photo of Williams’ daughter, India. “Better be careful leaving your info open where she can be found :) hold her close tonight, it’ll be the last time.”
Overland Park Police Chief Francis Donchez Jr. confirmed in a statement that the post was written by one of his officers. Multiple media outlets identified the commenter as Rodney Lee Wilson [ ], but a department spokesperson declined to confirm the officer’s identity to The Huffington Post. (Both the Facebook accounts in question are no longer publicly accessible.)
[...] [with comments]


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07/13/16 4:53 AM

#250716 RE: F6 #250640

Sarah Palin on Breitbart News Sunday (7/10/2016)

The most vile and revealing Palin comment was her denial of Americans of
non-white heritage to have their ancestry recognized by the use of a hyphen.

Sarah Palin Goes Full-Racist In Her Latest Drunken, Word Salady Ravings
Posted by April Hamlin on 11 Jul 2016 .. some dung ..

In last week’s Facebook rant, Palin called the Black Lives Matter movement a “farce” and argued that what is really
dividing America is people who hyphenate their racial backgrounds, such as African-Americans and Asian-Americans.

“#?BlackLivesMatter? is a farce and hyphenating America destroys us,” she wrote on social media. “Shame on our
culture’s influencers who would stir contention and division that could lead to evil such as that in Dallas.”

You don't get much more rascist and intolerant than that, yet Palin reveling in typical projectionist mode says BLM people are "shortsighted" and "intolerant".

See also one which must qualify as a Palin library