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08/01/06 1:49 PM

#41102 RE: dale1953 #41098

Understood Dale, thought you ghot out the way you worded your message. We're in a sort of craps game with pnkies, but I still feel the dice are loaded to our advantage with HISC. I think part of the problem is of course our PPS histort; having gone to .14 on far less news and meat than is currently in the works. That however was never justified, because what drove us to .14 was more hype than fundamentals; we all had big expectations for a quick killing. Reality has a way of catching up however, and its caught up big time here. I believe those expectations will still be met though, but in a more steady methodical way. Specifically, orders and sales. As we get introduced to new markets and get product acceptance, it will build upon itself. But we really are only at ground zero right now IMHO; the place most of us thought we were this time last year. Moody did a great job of promoting, but failed to deliver, or rather, his timing was way off. Things rarely happen as we expect. That doesn't mean they don't happen though. Best not to watch this thing so intensely right now. Hang in there Dale. I don't think you'll be disappointed in the long run.