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Dale C

07/10/16 8:53 PM

#250612 RE: F6 #250609

F6 LOL You know watching too much of that man whores scat will make you go blind, mental or regressive. I've seen it happen more than once, not pretty.


07/10/16 9:07 PM

#250616 RE: F6 #250609

As you know this guy Alex Jones is a total arsehole. But it is disturbing how many otherwise fairly intelligent people listen to and believe his crap.


07/11/16 8:36 AM

#250630 RE: F6 #250609

Western Conservative Summit 2016

This Land We Love

July 1-3, 2016
Colorado Convention Center | Denver, CO

The Western Conservative Summit is the largest gathering of conservatives outside of Washington, DC. Join us for stellar conservative speakers, informative breakout sessions, good music, food, fun, exhibitors, and more all to advance faith, family, and freedom!


This is a Draft Program Blueprint, Subject to Change

Friday 7/1
8:00am – Registration, Exhibit Hall, Food Concession Open
10:00am – Morning Keynote Session in Mile High Ballroom: Donald Trump, Sarah Palin
1:30pm – Workshop Series
3:30pm – Workshop Series
7:00pm – Evening Keynote Session in Mile High Ballroom: Ben Sasse, Jenny Beth Martin, Eric Metaxas, Hugh Hewitt
10:00pm – Transform DJs concert in the Mile High Ballroom

Saturday 7/2
8:00am – Registration Opens
8:30am – Morning Keynote Session in Mile High Ballroom: Ryan Anderson, Frank Gaffney, Brittany Corona, Charlie Kirk, Lila Rose, Kimberly Corban, David Keene, Tom Cotton
11:30am – Lunch Break, Exhibits Open, Book Signings
1:00pm – Afternoon Keynote Session in Mile High Ballroom: Hugh Hewitt, Stephen Moore, Mary Kissel, Andy Puzder
2:00pm – Take Action!
2:30pm – Workshop Series
5:00pm – Ticketed Stephen Long Award Dinner in Mile High Ballroom: Dennis Prager
7:00pm – Evening Keynote Session in Mile High Ballroom: Carly Fiorina, Phil Robertson, Ben Shapiro
10:00pm – Movie Screening: “Comeback”, Opportunity Lives

Sunday 7/3
8:30am – Exhibits and Registration Opens
9:30am – Summit Keynote Chapel in the Mile High Ballroom: Erick Erickson, Star Parker, John MacArthur, Warren Cole Smith, Jeff Myers
12:00pm – Summit Concludes

Buy your tickets today:

Gold Passes: $600
Silver Passes: $200
Day Passes: $120

Centennial Institute is Colorado Christian University’s think tank, mobilizing ideas on faith, family, and freedom to strengthen America’s future. [with comments]


Live: 2016 Western Conservative Summit - Friday Morning

Streamed live on Jul 1, 2016 by Centennial Institute [ / , ]

Friday morning at the Western Conservative Summit featured Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Steve House, Clarice Navarro, and the Legacy Quartet. Hosted by Colorado Christian University, Centennial Institute, and Jeff Hunt.

Jeff Hunt to Lead Centennial Institute
October 19, 2015

Learn more about the Centennial Institute at . [no comments yet]


Live: 2016 Western Conservative Summit - Friday Evening

Streamed live on Jul 1, 2016 by Centennial Institute

Friday evening at the Western Conservative Summit featured Kristina Arriaga, Eric Metaxas, Ellen Densmore, Hugh Hewitt, and Jenny Beth Martin. Hosted by Colorado Christian University, Centennial Institute, and Jeff Hunt. [no comments yet]


Live: 2016 Western Conservative Summit - Saturday Morning and Afternoon

Streamed live on Jul 2, 2016 by Centennial Institute

Saturday morning and afternoon at the Western Conservative Summit featured Ryan Anderson, Frank Gaffney, Brittany Corona, Charlie Kirk, Lila Rose, Kimberly Corban, David Keene, and Tom Cotton. Hosted by Colorado Christian University, Centennial Institute, and Jeff Hunt. [no comments yet]


Live: 2016 Western Conservative Summit - Saturday Evening

Streamed live on Jul 2, 2016 by Centennial Institute

Saturday evening at the Western Conservative Summit featured Dennis Prager, Biff Gore, Principles of Liberty, Cory Gardner, Heidi Ganahl, Carly Fiorina, Phil Robertson, Darryl Glenn, Craig Silverman, Ken Buck, and Ben Shapiro. Hosted by Colorado Christian University, Centennial Institute, and Jeff Hunt.

Phil Robertson Of ‘Duck Dynasty’ Offers Weird ‘Proof’ Of Jesus During Latest Public Freak-Out Session

[ (with embedded video clips, and comments)]
The proof is in the... calendar?
07/05/2016 [with embedded video clips, and comments]

‘Haunted swing’ Forces Terrified Family From Playground

A Rhode Island family’s playground plans were scrapped after video captured something that left them too terrified to leave their car. “We’re at the playground, and the kids don’t want to go anymore because look at this s—t,” dad says.
07/07/2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments] [with comments]


Live: 2016 Western Conservative Summit - Sunday

Streamed live on Jul 3, 2016 by Centennial Institute

Sunday morning at the Western Conservative Summit featured Erick Erickson, Star Parker, John MacArthur, Ken Summers, Warren Cole Smith, and Jeff Myers. Worship provided by Biff Gore and Emily B. Hosted by Colorado Christian University, Centennial Institute, and Jeff Hunt. [with comments]


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07/11/16 9:53 PM

#250644 RE: F6 #250609

Forty-Five Failed Alex Jones Predictions

Posted By: MarkB Apr 24, 2013

Bank runs in February 2009. 9/11-scale terror attacks in 2010. 50% of the U.S. population will be killed in a bio-weapons attack in 2009. 16 year-old soldiers will enforce nationwide martial law by 2012. A major terror attack will occur in the U.S. by the end of summer 2009 (oh, and it’s a false flag). The U.S. will go to war with Russia in 2009. Texas stores are being looted and National Guard troops are moving into Austin right this minute (December 31, 1999). The UN will announce the presence of ET intelligence during 2009 to stage a NWO takeover. The U.S. dollar will be devalued by 50% by 2012.

If you’re Alex Jones, you’re used to being wrong. But that doesn’t stop his wild-eyed fans from listening – there’s always another edge-of-your-seat, apocalyptic prediction coming down the pipeline, after all. In this highly entertaining mash-up, Alex Jones Clips runs down 45 of the most wild, failed Alex Jones predictions.


Alex Jones can’t stop spouting garbage: The shock jock strikes back at Salon — and misses

After I challenged him on his Planned Parenthood conspiracy theories, he wound up digging an even bigger hole VIDEO
Bob Cesca Tuesday, Jul 28, 2015 02:35 AM +1000


26 Alex Jones LIES Debunked

I've never seen anyone make so much garbage up and lie so much while insisting to his audience that all he says is the truth.

See also:

There Is a War Over Race in America
But it’s not whites vs. blacks.
By William Saletan.. bit ..
This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team. It’s a lot like the global struggle over jihadism, in which Muslims who hate Christians collaborate, in effect, with Christians who hate Muslims. In the case of jihadism, the real struggle isn’t between two religions. It’s between people who want religious war and people who don’t .. . The same is true of race: Either you’re on the race war team, or you’re against it. [emphasis added here]

fuagf, and all -- that Alex Jones Trump interview

Clintons Are In High Panic Mode: Roger Stone

12 Fringe Conspiracy Theories Embraced By A Man Who Might Be The Next President