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07/11/16 8:02 PM

#250639 RE: F6 #250595

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Jokes She Could Move To New Zealand If Donald Trump Is Elected President

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” said Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The 83-year-old justice also said the Senate should act on the Merrick Garland nomination.
07/10/2016 [with comments]


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07/13/16 11:03 PM

#250767 RE: F6 #250595

Re-posted: Authoritarianism: The political science that explains Trump

here because it's at the bottom of the Vox "Michael Flynn, the retired general on Donald Trump's VP shortlist, explained" .. of your post ..
and because it's well worth the watch for anyone who has not caught it before now .. :)

The Flynn article is also a bit over halfway down in your link list in this one

Here’s Why Donald Trump Is Horrifying, According To Historians

It feels appropriate to suggest again, as so many have stated before, that one real danger to democracy lies within. It is called fear.

See also:

Trump the Chump
Of course Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un support the presumptive GOP nominee. He serves their interests.


07/28/16 9:30 PM

#251776 RE: F6 #250595

Professor At Donald Trump’s Alma Mater Calls Him A ‘True Threat To Our Democracy’

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump loves to brag about the Wharton School (even though he only attended for two years during his undergraduate career, not to earn an MBA). The feeling does not appear to be mutual.
Eric Schoenberg has already donated a lot of money to help defeat the GOP nominee.
07/27/2016 [with comments]


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