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07/09/16 4:20 AM

#250545 RE: F6 #250537

Dallas Police Massacre Part of UN Overthrow America Plan

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Alex Jones breaks down how ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a domestic terrorist organization that has been given legitimacy by the media and the Obama administration, and is part of a much bigger plan to destabilize America and bring in UN control to take over. [with comments]


Secrets Of Black Lives Matter Dallas Police Massacre Revealed

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

This is what the elites don't want you to know about the Dallas police murders. [with comments] [included in "Full Show - Obama Institutes Operation Racewar - 07/08/2016", (with comments)]


Obama Blames Police And Guns For Dallas Massacre

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

President Obama has once again come out and made it known that the death of American police officers means less to him than how some people feel. [with comments] [included in "Full Show - Obama Institutes Operation Racewar - 07/08/2016", (with comments)]


Will Obama Race War Cancel The Election?

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones and David Knight discuss the possibility of the elite using a race war as a pretext to cancel the 2016 election. [with comments] [included in "Full Show - Obama Institutes Operation Racewar - 07/08/2016", (with comments)]


Obama To Cancel Elections With Martial Law Over Incited Race War

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex breaks down the distraction that this current race baiting issue is and explains what is going on in the bigger picture, exposing the plans of the nefarious elite to steal the world. [with comments]


Did The Dallas Police Deserve To Be Murdered

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Reporter Ashley Beckford discusses the events of the Dallas shooting with people on the street. [with comments]


Drug Money Laundering FBI Director Grilled Over Hillary's Emails

Published on Jul 8, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

The fireworks kept popping all week long when it came to the FBI Clinton email pardoning debacle. FBI Director James Comey testified before a heavily divided House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The Democrats pointlessly cried out that the Republicans were yet again pulling political stunts. While the Republicans, to their credit, dug in on the lunacy that is the separate standard Hillary Clinton is being held to. Among other revelations, Comey readily admitted there was no transcript of the Interview with Hillary and that she wasn’t even under oath for the questioning.

Well who is James Comey anyway? A career FBI agent that rose to the top?Think again. writes "Not only is the Attorney General of the United States, Lorretta Lynch, the US Attorney who gave drug money laundering bank, HSBC, a free pass with a Deferred Prosecution Agreement, but the head of the FBI, James Comey, was plucked by Obama from a plum job at HSBC, which Comey took in January, 2013, just after HSBC got the deferred prosecution deal. Comey's job for HSBC was as a leading member of the bank's “Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee,” formed immediately after HSBC settled with the federal government for laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for the deadly Mexican drug cartels.

Get it? The Attorney General of the US and the head of the US FBI are both part of the deal that let HSBC off the hook."

Is there any justice in Washington D.C.? Or will the Clinton Foundation mafia maintain its network as the corruption floats to the top unchecked? [with comments]


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07/09/16 4:50 AM

#250546 RE: F6 #250537

There Is a War Over Race in America

But it’s not whites vs. blacks.

By William Saletan

Dallas Police Chief David Brown speaks at a prayer vigil Friday following the deaths of five police officers during a Black Live Matter march in Dallas.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Hours after a sniper gunned down five law enforcement officers in Dallas—claiming, according to police, that “he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers .. ”—no one was crowing louder than David Duke. “All I warned about, sorry to say, is now happening .. ,” the former Klansman tweeted. “There is war against Whites in America. A war of hate, racism, and violence against us!” Duke circulated tweets by people who used the phrase “black lives matter” and celebrated the shootings .. . In a pitch to Donald Trump supporters, he added the hashtags #WarOnWhites, #ThanksObama, and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .. .

Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.

This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team. It’s a lot like the global struggle over jihadism, in which Muslims who hate Christians collaborate, in effect, with Christians who hate Muslims. In the case of jihadism, the real struggle isn’t between two religions. It’s between people who want religious war and people who don’t .. . The same is true of race: Either you’re on the race war team, or you’re against it.

The attack in Dallas—allegedly committed by Micah Johnson .. , a black man—comes barely a year after a white man, Dylann Roof, allegedly shot nine black people to death .. .. in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof told friends, and later police, that he wanted “to start a race war .. .” “He wanted it to be white with white, and black with black .. ,” said a friend.

Haters and killers on all sides work together, by stoking
feelings of group victimization and group vengeance.


Roof’s manifesto echoed the ideas of Anders Behring Breivik, a white Christian nationalist .. .. who massacred 77 people .. .. in Norway five years ago. Breivik claimed .. .. to be defending “our people, our culture, Christendom and our nation.” He declared, “It is every European’s duty to defend their people and country against the ideology of genocide, conquest and destruction known as Islam.”

Nothing helps Roof, Breivik, Duke, and other white nationalists more than hate crimes by the people they vilify—blacks and Muslims—against whites, Christians, and police officers. No crime justifies such collective vilification. But as a social dynamic, haters and killers on all sides work together, by stoking feelings of group victimization and group vengeance.

In December 2014, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a black man, ambushed and killed two police officers in their squad car in New York City. One officer turned out to be Asian American; the other was Latino. Brinsley had previously expressed anger about police killings of two black men .. , Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Shortly before the attack, Brinsley posted a message .. .. on Instagram: “I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today They Take 1 Of Ours...... Let’s Take 2 of Theirs #ShootThePolice.”

In January 2016, Edward Archer, a black Muslim, ambushed and shot a white policeman .. .. in his patrol car in Philadelphia. Archer said he had targeted police because they enforced laws that violated Islam. “I follow Allah,” he told investigators .. . “I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State and that’s why I did what I did.”

Both cases were complicated by diffuse grievances and questions of mental health. Nevertheless, white racists exploited the shooting in New York .. , and Islamophobes exploited the shooting in Philadelphia .. . The cries for racial and religious war went beyond American borders. Breivik predicted that the European Union, by “dismantling border controls” against migrants, “could become partly responsible for triggering civil wars in several European countries .. .” He concluded: “We are in the very beginning of a very bloody cultural war, a war between nationalism and internationalism, and we intend to win it.”

Roof, in his manifesto, expressed similar views. “I saw that the same things were happening in England and France, and in all the other Western European countries,” he wrote .. . “Europe is the homeland of White people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there.”

Top Comment
Team "no race war/religious war," please. More...

INSERT one more
Perseus Q Member
1 hour ago

Australian here... We have similar issues, minus guns. You know the easiest fix is the guns, right? May not stamp out the racism but the death count will plummet.

These visions of mortal struggle between a white West and its dark-skinned enemies mirror, almost precisely, the ideology of Islamic jihad. Look at Osama Bin Laden’s pronouncements over the years, and you’ll see a striking resemblance .. .. to the rhetoric of Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump. Both sides describe and promote a clash of religions, and this unites them in a global alliance against Christians and Muslims—including President Obama .. , former President George W. Bush .. , and King Abdullah of Jordan—who argue that the real enemy, terrorism, belongs to no religion. Twelve years ago, in a video message, Bin Laden gloated that it was “easy for us to provoke and bait .. ” the United States into doomed wars in Muslim lands. Last month, after the massacre in Orlando, Florida, Trump embarked on a spree of anti-Muslim demagoguery .. .. that played right into the strategy of religious polarization .. .. that had just been outlined by ISIS.

This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims. He joined the side of tribal enmity and vengeance. He joined the side of Dylann Roof, Anders Breivik, and David Duke. It’s the wrong side. Reject it.

.. nice insight Mr. William Saletan .. sure beats simple tribal froth and bubble ..

See also:

Dallas Police Massacre Part of UN Overthrow America Plan

Sounds you have Dan Patrick down to a T .. when he looks at his Galatians 6:7 'you reap what you sow'...