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07/12/16 1:37 PM

#37766 RE: Johnnylatte #37765

.003 pre-reverse-split price. Ugh.


08/04/16 2:16 PM

#37778 RE: Johnnylatte #37765

They would be better off putting a naked barista on each Kcup & selling on is to say they would be better off not even touching this.

Classic penny stock pump n dump play. Instead of a business focusing on it's core and getting it profitable (which any succesful business would do), penny stock pump n dump plays continually find new 'adventures' to chase after giving the unfortunate stuckholders another pipe dream to cling on to. Meanwhile, in the big picture the company just keeps wringing a few more dollars out of the people unfortunate enough to be its victims.

Get out now and save a few dollars!