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07/04/16 12:39 PM

#5509 RE: BeeDoubleU #5507

A lot more than just this - nearly 3 weeks have elapsed since this was filed.

Anyway, unless ARO can adhere to the milestones as outlined in Exhibit B, the DIP lenders can announce a breach in the lending agreement and thats when the shareholders lose hope of recovery. POR must be filed by July 15, which will with 99% certainty show no recovery for shareholders, or 100% chance of little or no recovery.

Later on, in subsequent filings, the Committee of Unsecured Creditors is complaining the company is dragging its feet. ARO does NOT want to file the POR now, and would rather let the restructuring efforts take hold. They say so. But they have to stick to the accelerated schedule, else have a breach of the DIP agreement called on them.

So, the company is just 11 days away from being checkmated. This is how it looks now, so something has to change between now and then. Watch your filings, read them all.

None of what I am saying here is anything I haven't already said. Keep up you guys, time is running out.