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07/04/16 10:23 AM

#191 RE: Pro-Life #190

Delusional reasoning in my view...

I try to stay away from it. LOL

Why do Gold bugs always wish for economic disaster?

Example: The wish in 2008 was for another Depression. Yet if one had bought gold at the beginning of Aug, instead of going to cash, it would've been a -20% loss for Gold.

So now the wish is for hyperinflation. That would make for an interesting world. Never mind deflation is the problem. What did the Fed do in the late 1970s-1980s to break inflation? They raised rates. Cooling off the economy, and inflation. What did the ECB do this past year? They lowered rates to be negative. Do you see the Fed aggressively raising rates? Nope. Doing so would take the economy into recession. What major central bank is currently concerned about inflation, much less hyper inflation? None.

There is no hyperinflation just around the corner. There is no inflation just around the corner. The post 2008 after effects are still with us.