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07/03/16 8:07 PM

#2093 RE: greasemonkeyshoes #2092

I will get there. Through out history man knew how important mothers milk was to good health. Even today people are fighting to buy unpasteurized milk. Most state governments wont let you buy it. It is true that pasteurizing kills the harm full bacteria. But it also kills most of the good ones. Back in the nineteen hundreds a lot of the most wealthy people had paid wet nurses on staff. One of the reasons they lived in to their 80s and 90s, while most people died in there 50s. The magic stuff was colostrum. There have been many companies trying to collect and process it for years. But all have failed to get the desired effects. No matter how they try to process it. The results are so so. From what I have read and the people I have talked to. Niagen is the first and there may be more products to come out of the research now being done. I know nothing for certain. My personal opinion is Niagen is the real deal. I own a decent position and may add more. Please due your own DD and trade on what you feel is the way to go. Be it long or short. Best of luck to all. To the people that have been following me on BBPPQ. Congratulations on tripling your money.


07/04/16 4:53 PM

#2094 RE: greasemonkeyshoes #2092

Perhaps I am wrong. But I get the feeling your looking for a panacea. A wonder drug that will make you rich. It will never happen. A drug company will not spend a dime to find a cure that will put them out of business. But they will spend millions to find a drug that will help you to spend all you have on chemical dependency for the rest of your life. My real point I guess is to say to you that your good health is what it is. A personal responsibility issue. All the things I point out along with Niagen are things you have to consider if you want to live a healthy life. With all the news sources out there today. You would have to live alone out in the woods not to be aware of the things that can hurt you. Every time you get a vaccination or shot of some type. Chances are your getting more mercury put in your body. I love the way the drug companies advertise. 87% of the people taking our product will not get blab blab blab. They fail to tell you that 86% of the people that got the placebo did not get it either. They did not lie. They just did not tell you the whole story. I love the way all the doctors want you to take a baby aspirin. They don't give you the test first to see if will affect you. 28% of the people it will not help. I go hide now from the slings and arrows that may come my way. Best of luck to all. Neither myself or my wife take a prescription drug on a regular basis.