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Wayne R

07/03/16 12:47 PM

#390 RE: Sportsjunkie #386

in fact I always used
the shell barometer as i called it to know when it was
time to call it a day on a stock .....

remember the JimB barometer? As soon as he announced he bought into a stock you knew it was time to head for the hills

it was so much easier to cause fear in traders than it is to instill confidence...

It is money, people are afraid to lose it.

There's an advertisement on television that I see often. I should talk to someone to make it illegal to show that shit on television.

It is about how easy it is to trade futures and make money.

Sure it is easy, big leverage, and you can make lots of money, except, if you are on the wrong side of the fence. Then you can lose your house, all your furniture and your car, all because you put 1000 bucks on the wrong thing.

with options, you know your potential loss going in, 100pct. Futures, the potential loss is infinity. I don't know anyone personally that has an infinate amount of money