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07/05/16 1:31 AM

#69704 RE: Stockman1010101 #69544

Hi Stockman1010101, well with the volume we have been having and both the Bid and the Asked quoted the same @.0001 your chances of getting filled are pretty good. If that court or Toxic selling is gone then it might be a bit harder depending how many shares are ahead of you. Not many of us reported getting some .0001's so if any filings are made we might be able to make guesses as to how many shares were bought by smaller retail customers. You got some ,gtrab got some, I got some and maybe a few others got some. But in actuality our trade board shows that less than 1,200,000 were bought. So we got some of the Sellers shares . The MM's must have taken enough to satisfy themselves. If we get some filings by the Buyers and Sellers we might be able to find out who did the Buying. That is in what I am primarily concerned. The only thing is, IF it was a Big Buyer/s they might play it cute and only Buy up to 4.99% of O/S so they do not have to file a report. So we will see what happens. TWT. All the best to you.