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06/30/16 7:19 AM

#50013 RE: SunshineSmiles #50012

Well you can see “white” lettering as you continue spreading WOGI, its CEO and Consultants “White lies” ah heck they are just lies….You expect us to know believe the man who claims he never knew about or has seen any documents concerning the money owned Baron of even being able to do Due Diligence….This is very Cheesy to say the least, we know Rob Ross has been helping him financially maybe Rob has branched off to consulting as well. Who are we kidding Rob helps lots of company’s he must have helped poor Nathan do the Due Diligence one does prior to signing papers. Rob is probably showing Nathan how to set up an account at Spence Edwards and how to liquidate stock.


06/30/16 7:20 AM

#50014 RE: SunshineSmiles #50012

This is transaction work 101 if a company is acquiring a questionable company like EPA for way more than it’s worth, and at the same time spinning out another company. Why would EPA ever need to know anything about the company being spun off? These are just simple questions a good business man that does “Real Business” would ask before signing their name to anything.


06/30/16 7:21 AM

#50015 RE: SunshineSmiles #50012

OK now for the best part of this fantasy, So know Matt Dwyer and Baron sold stock in a company they did not own or control and then placed the money in the account of the subsidiary of that Company in excess of $900,000 and they didn’t take any of the money. Well Dwyer and Baron should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize, I mean how unselfish of them to do that, truly unheard of down here in penny land. Usually you just get people making claims of oil reserves, and products that can fix almost any well in a rework that is going to be worth 20,000 barrels a day, or contracts from the middle east worth $3 million annually, or your asked to join them on the bid to support the stock so they can dumb or takeout offers to help Phil their pockets basically your rob’bed.