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06/30/16 6:24 PM

#67022 RE: Bob Cloppindale #67021

" this is like Hillary Clinton lying about Bengazi[SIC]...telling people that she'll get back to them about what REALLY happened and then doing no such thing... " had me for a sec, there! ;-) Funny lead-off quote!
~ But no need to politicize everything.

...if not for all the "lines & fences" wanting to be drawn all over this country--and I don't believe the POTUS is trying to 'draw lines' OR 'build fences'--THINGS MIGHT NOT BE SO DARN BAD.

But pretty 'thoughtful' questions 'the public' had on the current administrations' approach to "Benghazi". Not so 'thoughtful' on how we actually GOT there in the 1st place, however. I'm still waiting on 'the public' to have THAT 'open' dialog!

Benghazi = 4 lives lost -- and a tragedy, for sure!
WTC = 4,500(+) lives lost -- and the reason we're in "Benghazi"...

*** But if $TGGI says they're moving there -- I'm definitely done here! (Gotta be 'patriotic', y'know?)
