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06/28/16 7:02 PM

#40341 RE: cptjsd #40340

It's like this company is lost in the woods - they are not the first company to ever make an industry changing device and they have advisors etc. that they employ(ed) that seem equally clueless. I just don't understand it ?

Their should be many many templates that they could have followed here. I mean how many dopes can their be surrounding this company ? Christ man
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06/28/16 9:26 PM

#40348 RE: cptjsd #40340

On PPS, I wouldn't swear we are all upward bound from here. Too much stuff to come which has nothing to do with Titan. More Brexit fallout and a possible re-vote to start, but anything can happen and some of it will. That being said, I expect a little ebb and flow in price to come but a generally upward trend. I bought as low as $.44 and as high as $1.22 so far, and put in an order for 35K at .61 this morning - only got 7K shares and it wouldn't settle back down to fill the rest. Maybe tomorrow! Or maybe never! I figure I win either way - More shares cheap, I win. PPS rises, I win. It's all good, folks.

Did RR really say we are fully funded? I assume he meant through year's end? Different project phases have different burn rates; final re-spin/mods on hardware might not be bad if we were close to FDA guidance on Human Factors beforehand, so hopefully he's right. Or maybe he's factoring some Longtai dollars that we don't know about yet. Or another source...

I've been putting some blind faith into the former ISRG crew in the marketing side but I haven't seen much of their Titan work yet. I'd love to see what they have planned for a product rollout. SAGES was a nice start with positive feedback but that ball had better keep rolling better than Sisyphus' rock. Meanwhile, they should be keeping tabs on our conversations here as part of their job; without extraneous marketing materials being generated by them, we are a big part of their marketing for additional investor input (don't underestimate your personal value to the company merely by chiming in here). New investor are the target market at this stage. Surgeons and hospitals are not the target market for another year. I assume they know this.