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06/24/16 9:45 PM

#102207 RE: tdbowieknife #102206

Thaks for the humorous post. Just in time for dinner.

No way anyone outside of the SEC can know if and when the subpoenas will be delivered.

I hope I can stop LMFAO so I can get some sleep tonight


06/24/16 9:45 PM

#102208 RE: tdbowieknife #102206

They need six more months because what they have( according to you over 6,000,000 documents ) is just a bunch of bullshit supplied to them which already failed the stink test.
The fishing expedition must continue in order to obtain ' justice'


06/24/16 10:26 PM

#102218 RE: tdbowieknife #102206

Yeah ... Sounds just like more SEC Bullshit and lies. Same stuff as before. More unsubstantiated scare tactics.

Current shareholders will not be scared into selling their shares to allow NSS to cover.

Get ready for the ride to $ .20

The judge has to allow the extension. And he will not.

The SEC already use their mulligan. They thought they could speed up the trial because they had all tehir docks in row.

Than they find Maount Bullshit just more Hallin lies.

Now they need more time to start all over.