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06/23/16 10:45 PM

#102190 RE: dloggold #102188

Mr Hallin and Ms Rhonda Hyatt are repetative lawsuit filers. Their court history is quite lengthy. All losses to boot.

Most after a loss may file an appeal. Most likely with different evidence to present.

Never have I heard of peole filing 13 lawsuits, losing all of them tah nusing the same evidence use in the losing cases and manipulate a young SEEC attorney and allowing them to write or edit the final charges prior to filing.

The HIGH RANKING SEC OFFICIAL that approved the case must be embarrassed now knowing she was duped by con men, or the Hallin Group.

Probably not Hallins first time around the block when manipulating officials of the court.


06/24/16 11:24 AM

#102193 RE: dloggold #102188

I needed to read Paragraph 892 again which now confirms how crazy and weak the SEC case is ......

It says how Treaty gathered documents pursuant to the SEC SUBPOENA, sent them to a 3rd party vendor for proessesing and imaging.

Treaty has failed to pay the nearly $ 49,000 in fees and they have not picked up the documents.

ROFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The SEC needs to extend the case 6 months becuase Treaty is not complying with their demands of suppying documents.

All along the SEC has ivestigated enough to know where the documents are and how much is owed.

GOOD LORD ! If the case is soooooooo important either subpoena them from the vendor or pay the bill and go get them. It's probably costing taxpayers more to extend the case than it is to pay the $ 49,000.

The SEC has now entered the Hillarious Zone

Where's that proof Blackburn still controls Treaty ????? LOL