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06/23/16 11:25 AM

#3958 RE: ogbull #3957

regarding last post: I had a power overload and my backup system shut my computer down.

The average weekly injection in 2015 was +88/Bcf per week throughout the entire storage season, so this week's injection of +62/Bcf was -26/Bcf Less than last year's average. But to shock the market and run the price of natgas down, the EIA says that their stupid experts expected only a +58/Bcf injection which would have been -30Bcf less than average for 2015.

Up to date injections for 2015 totaled 883/Bcf. In the identical 2016 period, a total of 504 Bcf have been injected.

This was supported by market manipulators that knew the timely of the announcement and instantly shorted the natgas market running the price down 0.051 cents. This is the kind of OBVIOUS market manipulation that disturbs the hell out of me, especially coming from the EIA, a government agency responsible to tell the public the truth.

Instead... they played a trick on investors for a few dollars payoff from the manipulators!

Everything you come in touch with from wall street is a fu-king lie!

Natural gas will come back and the manipulators will make money on the move and so will the employees of the EIA.

Anyone, except for idiots, would know that a storage report -26/Bcf less than the average for 2015 is indeed extremely bullish for natgas!