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06/22/16 9:39 AM

#2006 RE: PanchoJimenz #2002

Pancho J

I find it best to try to keep a balanced out look. There is much we do not know yet and that only time will tell. When investing the first rule is to " preserve your Capitol". That means that you do all you can to be sure of a company BEFORE you invest. That though is not always enough as 1) you can miss things 2) Things change over time. And there is a lot to be said for just plain using your own common sense. For example I will use myself. When I read all of the negatives I then took the time to check a thing or two. But common sense indicated that rather true or untrue when someone yells " FIRE" loud enough, the herd stampedes for the exit! I was still checking when trading volume hit around 6-8 times the average daily volume. That told me that the Herd was in stampede mode. By awaiting to do even the little research I was able the stock had fallen below $4.00. I am not sorry I took extra time to start checking but by then common sense said that no matter what, the sell-off was real and the stock was heading South quickly. Common sense said SELL and preserve what you can and wait and see. Buying back in lower is always there should things prove to be totally false. So by selling I preserved capitol to reinvest should I choose to do so.

A point in favor of the company is that while you may call investors relations or any other part of the company they by law can NOT tell you anything that is not put out publicly first ( insider trading). So do not assume that they are being devious because you do not get an answer to some of you questions. They really have no choice in some of their responses.

As to GMS or other posters who use past Presidents or other emotional references that do not provide any Direct evidence are more for emotional support than anything else. Again, I truly hope that all is up front with cdxc. But regardless of other opinions the legal penalties are now much greater if there is wrong doing to be found. I am out and will remain so until this is settled to the sec/s satisfaction ( no legal proceeding). Remember, if there is NO truth to this and the product is ALL they say it is then this will again be back above $5.00 and the strength of such a wonderful product should make it sore much higher. Plenty of time to get back in then. But way to much to lose until then. Those are the things that will make it worth something and NOT anyone trying to present a lot of positive hype!

By the way, just my opinion of the mentioned " Ronald Regan " as if his name evoked trust !? I believe that as a President he was very strong on Foreign affairs. But as to trusting him as a USA citizen it depended on rather you were among the well to do or not. If you were somewhere in the lower middle class or lower there was NOT much for one to trust in Him. Just ask thousands of Air traffic controllers! And if that does not satisfy then ask the tens of Millions of Americans whom he told in a public speech that they would live by " Trickle Down economics " !!

To each their own. Best to all