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06/21/16 11:32 AM

#253243 RE: eqinvestor #253228

I predict Ken Maciora's two lawsuits will be dismissed. The shares Ken wants were never issued by the Company. It's that simple. Rod Z. has an open termination agreement because he hasn't signed it. Rod needs to wrap up his outstanding issues with the Company so the Company can issue shares.

Was Rod's share agreement dependent upon his alignment with company rules, non-disclosure/non-compete agreements, and/or performance measurements? How and why did Ken Maciora get involved in Rod's open employment dispute? How and why did Bill Delgado insert himself where he doesn't belong?

Here's an excerpt from the Form 10-12/GA.

On February 23, 2015, the Company relieved Mr. Delgado of his duties as Director for cause.

This means Bill was a bad boy. We have read some online info that implies Ken Maciora was a bad boy. Could they become a Dastardly Duo when they merge their bad boy skills? Is Rod simply a pawn in their current scheme to obtain shares that don't exist?

Bruce Smith is a forensic auditor. Here is an excerpt from the Form 10-12/GA.

On January 15, 2015, the Company decided to release Mr. Bruce M. Smith of his CFO duties. However, the separation agreement stated he would continue to act as CFO through February 28, 2015. On February 28, 2015, the Company and Mr. Smith agreed it would be in the best interest of the Company that he continue on as acting CFO through the filing process of the Form 10 Registration Statement and thereafter until such time as a new CFO is duly appointed.

PMB Helin, the former auditors, approved the Form 10-12/GA that was issued by a Forensic Auditor named Bruce Smith.

Regarding his Signature case, Ken Maciora filed a Motion to Disqualify Signature Stock Transfer's attorneys. While he implies they walked away for some nefarious reason, the fact of the matter is this is a cut-and-dried case that Signature can win easily. Why should Signature pay high-price legal fees KNOWING that Ken Maciora will prolong his Pro Se rights while throwing horseshit motions at a wall to see what sticks? This case is linked below. Look at the details through six pages of filings.

As it stands today, Ken wants to make his "evidence" in his Signature Stock Transfer case confidential. I wonder if this action was to avoid setting himself up for legal action by the Company against him. He's already dug a deep hole for himself. I bet he is very nervous about the outcome of the PMB claim. If he doesn't prevail, Signature can present that evidence in their case.

Regarding Press Releases, they are expensive and totally unnecessary to close this Conspiracy Theory. The two lawsuits need to run their course. The appropriate place for dissemination of public information upon dismissal of both claims would be in SEC filings.

Preach to Ken Maciora about learning from mistakes. When is he going to give Empire Relations Group a web presence?

Looking forward to the Judge's Findings in Maciora v. PMB Helin Donovan LLP et al

Kenneth Maciora v. Signature Stock Transfer