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06/21/16 6:50 AM

#74903 RE: 536hr #74889

You are correct, it all depends on the property. I do think that they (Auryn, Masglas, etc.) knew exactly what was going on with MDMN before they entered into a deal regardless of the wording in the press release. Because they knew the absolute mess that MDMN was, I believe they structured the deal to be incredibly advantageous to themselves and not the shareholders of MDMN. Taking on risk requires reward and in my opinion, Auryn, Masglas, and whoever else is involved behind the scenes in Chile will reap whatever rewards come down the pike and leave scraps for the shareholders. This is how shrewd businessmen operate - a far cry from Lester, JJ, and the clown show that has been running MDMN for decades.

Hopefully for the shareholders sake, the deal is fantastic and you all make out like bandits but I wouldn't hold my breath. The MDMN BOD has NEVER once done what is in the best interests of shareholders. They have always sought to enrich themselves at the expense of shareholders. I doubt this time was any different. Sure, Lester and his merry band of flunkies will make out but I'm of the opinion that shareholders will once again get screwed. Remember, this is the last go for shareholders - if this deal doesn't work out, there is nothing left, there is no partner D, E, F etc.