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06/19/16 6:01 PM

#190670 RE: punto #190668

Per last financials there was $50 in the bank.

Try to explain how one pays for manufacturing and distribution with $50?
How about the trade shows to get retailer's attention?
How about buying shelf space away from Coca-Cola and other huge competitors?
How about marketing and advertising which is essential in this space to stand out against hundreds of similar products already available?
You can't even get to hand out samples at Costco without passing their rigorous vetting process.

All the above costs real dollars. You can't pay for any of a product launch with sub penny shares.


06/19/16 8:29 PM

#190672 RE: punto #190668

WTF? FITX is not getting out of the g sheets. Ever. I read it some place. I'll post pics of my visit to FINRA last week. Friendly people.


06/20/16 2:11 AM

#190677 RE: punto #190668

"Complete list of SEC suspended stocks from January 1st, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2015. In the past 6 years there have been 2472 SEC Suspensions where ALL stocks were sent to the Grey Sheets. Of the 2472 Suspended stocks 1016 remain on the Grey Sheets and 1456 stock registrations were Revoked."

Pennyscams don't come back from the Grey market. In the past 5 or so years, I believe only one (or perhaps two) ever made it back from the Grey market to Pinkie or above. 1 or 2 ~OUTT of 2,472!!!

All courtesy of Renee, who maintains the list.