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06/18/16 2:43 PM

#53591 RE: N4longterm #53590

May be he had his Cerebral Cortex and Limbic System in mind... by his reference to 'his system'?:-)

Furthermore, I myself wouldn't want to exclude the possibility of the failure of Brexit in the voting on June 23, 2016. After all, it's a vote and there's a chance of it. We shall find out soon.

I think Britain could play a leading role in the EU to help improve it... instead of opting for 'isolationism'. The world is 'shrinking' as it's getting more and more connected... due to inevitable hi-tech advances besides faster transportation and communication systems and survival of the human species is becoming more important. We would be better on this planet via cooperation and that requires participation in order to resolve the bigger problems facing humanity. The parts and the Whole both need to improve if we want to see harmony among peoples/nations in many areas from economic, justice, equality... improved health and better living conditions being the main goals. Peace and harmony won't be possible unless many of the challenges facing humans becoming of higher priority in all nations working together.

From an intellectual perspective, I should add that Keyotee tends to contribute the contrarian view here. I would take that as a balancing act, imo, given the group think that surfaces and tends to prevail here, in general. Both sides have understandable reasons for 'playing' their 'roles' and nothing wrong in that, imo, and I find the 'situation' interesting and entertaining. After all, it is supposed to be a 'forum'- a marketplace for 'ideas' and 'opinions'. It creates an interest environment... should if one is aware of it from an entertainment perspective as well. However, I realize in cyberspace this becomes a at times a tough challenge as well.

Have in mind that The 'Dialectic' Process requires it! Good answers often deliberately have to go through Thesis, Anti-Thesis leading to (hopefully) Synthesis. The thinking process needs to be put through it for better thinking in pursuit of better answers. This requires attention and respect to the process.

Approaching it in a lighter vein could help. The opposite could be repetition of 'the same old, old' chorus of one side ONLY. Or, even worse- dullness and boredom.

Salute and GLTA
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06/18/16 7:07 PM

#53592 RE: N4longterm #53590

Very funny, however, I prefer water in a bowl ,with a lighted candle in a dark room for gazing into the future! Do not rely on this system only as often times it is necessary to use a crystal ball for concurrence.